Welcome to Christ Church, Sandown

Thank you for visiting our website.  We would love to welcome you to any of our church services or events or, if you prefer, you can watch our online service (but it really is better live).

Events coming up

  • Welcome Space every Monday from 11am to 1pm.

  • Art Group every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 10am.

  • Churchyard clean up every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 12 noon.

  • There is no Family Film Night in January.

  • Freedom in Christ course starting on Monday 6 January at 7pm.

  • Comedian Andy Kind on Friday 17 January at 7.30pm.

  • Coffee and clean and churchyard litter pick on Saturday 25 January from 10am to noon.

  • Prayer on Saturday 8 February from 10am to 12pm.

Please click here for more details of these events.

Church service

Our main church service takes place every Sunday at 11am and we cater for all ages with activities for young people during most Sunday services.  Well behaved dogs are welcome (as long as they can sing in tune). 

The music is led by a worship group and includes contemporary and traditional songs and hymns.  The content is all projected on a screen so following what is going on is straightforward for the newcomer.  Seating is on comfortable chairs and refreshments are served afterwards.   

Disabled access is available and the church sound system includes a loop for the hard of hearing.  Free parking on Sundays is available by kind permission of Sandown Town Council next door at the Broadway Centre (please park on the unpaved area).

Second and fourth Sundays of the month are family communion.

For those who wish to remain socially distanced, there is opportunity to do so.

Online service  

Each week a new online service is available and published on YouTube. A link to this weeks video is shown below.  The online service will often have content which is similar to the church service, plus a selection of worship songs that we have recorded over the past year.  Why not give it a try and see what you think?

If you would like to suggest content for the online service please contact Paul Corbett by email by clicking here.

A link to the service is shown below



Here is a link to a new Safeguarding poster.  Please see here for more information.

Shared worship in the Bay

Weekly afternoon/evening services on Sundays are held in The Bay at different churches.  Click here for a link to a poster showing where the services will next be held. 

Prayer for the situation in Ukraine

Prayer for Ukraine

Tearfund have produced a really good resource to help us pray for Ukraine.  Please click here for the link.

Angela and Berry Hill Childcare

Angela asked if people could bring in the following items to help Berry Hill Childcare (part of Broadlea Primary School):

  • Carrier bags
  • Scrap paper
  • Dried food, such as pasta, rice, etc
  • Dressing up items, such as hats, scarves, shirts, tops, shoes, etc

Please can you give these items to Angela in church on Sunday.  Thank you. 

Church news  

We have a church email list which is used to alert everyone to the publication of videos and the latest news generally.  If you would like to be kept in contact in this way please ask to be put on our mailing list which Rev Mark Williams is maintaining (click here to contact Mark for this purpose).

St Paul’s, Shanklin

Our sister church does not have a website of its own but we are pleased to host a page dedicated to their activities.  Please click here to go directly to a page which tells you about their services and future events.


This website is maintained by Paul Willmott (amongst others).  If you have anything you would like to add to the website or any questions about it, please click here to contact Paul.